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New Jersey Hunting Leases

This state isn’t often top of mind when hunting destinations come to mind, but perhaps it should be. Inland from the populated coast lie thick pine and hardwood forests that hold abundant deer, turkey and bears. About 42 percent of New Jersey is forest land. Of that, 62 percent is privately owned, making a lease highly desirable to ensure access.

New Jersey’s main deer seasons span more than 100 days including bow, shotgun and muzzleloading rifle seasons with multiple bag limits in some zones. A hunter may take up to six deer per year, depending on weapons used.

Turkeys were reintroduced to New Jersey in the late 1970s and the population continues to grow. State game officials estimate there are at least 20,000 turkeys in New Jersey distributed throughout the state. The annual turkey harvest has been around 3,000 birds.

New Jersey also has a healthy black bear population. The state has three options for bear hunters during the fall. There’s a three-day archery-only season that’s immediately followed by three more days during which muzzle-loading rifles may be used in addition to archery equipment.

Competition and hunting pressure run high on New Jersey public land open to hunting. Owning or leasing land in the state is the best way to ensure hunting opportunities will be available for you and your family. With a hunting lease from Base Camp Leasing, you get exclusive hunting rights for all game in most cases.

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